Ed, Edd n Eddy Fanon Wiki

Roller Coast-Ed is a fanfic episode of Ed, Edd n Eddy.


The episode begins with Eddy spinning on an office chair, and flying off of it. Eddy is excited about the roller coaster called "The Coaster of Fury". Ed is excited too, except Edd, who is nervous. Eddy calls him "chicken".

The next day, The Eds get up and get ready to go to the amusement park, so do The Kids. The Eds and the Kids are at the amusement park. The Eds are so excited, so are Kevin, Rolf and Jonny. Jimmy is scared to go on the ride. Eddy makes a pact, that they should go on every hardcore rides, and save "The Coaster of Fury" for last. They all ride hardcore rides, such as "The Spinning Cups of Doom", "The Drop", "Liquifier" and more.

During the rides, Eddy has been choking back barfs, meaning he's scared. After that, the Eds and the Kids, except Eddy, (even Edd, Sarah, Jimmy and Nazz) are thrilled by the rides. They all decide to go eat something, then go on the roller coaster, as Eddy sighs in relief. They eat some pizza, as they all talk about what they're gonna do on the ride. While Eddy listens uncomfortably and sweating, he said he has to use the bathroom, and quickly ran inside the bathroom.

Eddy washes himself, and his reflection talk to him. His reflection told him to sternly tell his friends he don't want to go on "The Coaster of Fury". Eddy comes out the bathroom, about to tell his friends about refusing to go on the roller coaster, they are gone. They're at the line for the ride.

Eddy tries to tell Ed and Edd about not going on the ride, but couldn't. They all go to the tall sign, Eddy comes up and says in relief "Oh, darn! I'm not tall enough to go on this ride! Aw, snap!" until Ed broke the sign to make it look like he's tall, much to Eddy's dismay.

They all get on the roller coaster. The ride start as they go up. Eddy calmly says "Okay!" until they go up to the sky and sees a long way down the coaster, he start to be in fear. The others scream in excitement, while Eddy scream in fear. They all go to tracks (The Loopy Track, the Vine Track, the Background-Chaging Colors Track, the Scary Track).

There is a problem, as the ride goes out of the control, as the wheels pop off and the tracks fall off. The excitements all turn to fear.

